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“One of the largest mass movements in American time’: Economist claims that 5 million people have left “blue states” over the past 10 years and would like these states to “stop trying to avoid the reality.’ Here’s why

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“One of the largest mass movements in American time’: Economist claims that 5 million people have left “blue states” over the past 10 years and would like these states to “stop trying to avoid the reality.’ Here’s why

Economist Stephen Moore on lawmakers announcing a $1.59 trillion top-line spending deal and discusses the blue state exodus on 'Varney & Co.'

There has been a lot of talk about celebrities such as Joe Rogan moving out of California in recent years. However the economic expert Stephen Moore says there’s a more general trend.

In an interview on Fox Business, Moore said that over the past 10 years, around 5 million individuals have deserted the “blue states” Illinois, New York, California and New Jersey.

“This is one of the biggest mass migrations in American history,” he declared.

The”red states” or “red states” have seen an increase in population, according to Moore.

“If you look at, for example, the states that gained the most population over the last 10 years, you’re talking about obviously, Florida, Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, those states, the Southeast now has a larger GDP — total combined economic output — than the Northeast,” Moore stated. “That’s the first time that’s ever happened in American history.” Moore could be talking about an Bloomberg article that ignited controversy on X which was previously called Twitter.

The trend is evident in the recent figures. According to the recent report by the Census Bureau, the population of the South has increased by an average of 1.4 million people in 2023. There were the addition of 706,266 residents through net domestic migration. In contrast, the Northeast’s population decreased by 43,330.

Naturally, the cause for this pattern of domestic migration isn’t fully understood However, Moore suggested that two elements drive it.


The primary element that is a factor, according to the analyst the policy analyst, is taxes. He believes that the financial benefits of tax burdens that are lower play an important role in the decision-making process of people about where they want to be able to live and work.

Moore mentioned California as an instance.

“California just adopted a new tax increase,” the official stated, noting the fact that the state’s highest tax rate on income has increased to 14.4 percent. The new 14.4 percent tax rate for the state in California is applicable to incomes that exceed $1 million.

“You can relocate into Florida as well as Texas and pay nothing! This is an easy decision,” Moore explained. “I wish these blue states would get their act together and stop avoiding reality, which is taxes do matter, and they matter a lot.”

Actually the truth is that the two states Texas as well as Florida do not have a state-specific individual taxes on income. This is particularly appealing to those earning a lot and retirees who want to safeguard their wealth. States that rely on this type of tax have other taxes to generate revenue, such as property and sales.

A business-friendly environment

Moore stated that the move from blue states is not only people, but also “a migration of business activity and capital investment.”

He specifically referred to the right-to work laws, which regulate relationships between unions and employees. These laws ensure that workers are not required to join an organization or pay union dues as a condition of work. They provide employees with the option of deciding whether or not they want to join a union or financially support the union.

This is in contrast to the union-security agreements that exist in different states workers in unionized workplaces could require joining a union or pay dues to pay for collective bargaining expenses.

“These states expanding quickly are states that allow right-to-work. These states have unions but you also have as a worker the choice of joining either the union, or to not be a part of and you aren’t made to join,” Moore stated. “They have a lower level of regulation, better laws across the broad. A business-friendly environment.”

The states Moore mentioned earlierThe states Moore mentioned earlier – Florida, Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia -are all states that allow workers to work. However, some states such as California, New York, and Illinois do not have right-to work laws.

Moore warned that if the blue states keep on trying in their quest to “soak the rich,” they will “lead more people to leave” and “they’re taking their jobs with them.”

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